The Stop Button

Dark Horse Presents (1986) #52


The Bacchus story is a really upsetting story of Simpson, Bacchus’s sidekick, and his journey through hell. I’m not up on my Dante, but it seems like it follows Inferno a little bit. It’s a good story, but it’s a real downer and very different from the other Bacchus entries so far.

The Heartbreakers story features some really dumb plot developments. But Bennett may have gotten the narrative to a good starting point. Finally.

Then there’s Sin City—two installments in and I’m really sick of it. Half the story looks like Miller’s drew Batman then replaced him with Marv (trench coat as cape) and the other half is filled with the crappy dialogue. Without Mickey Rourke saying it, it doesn’t work. It’s just too stupid. Rourke being able to sell this dialogue is the testament to his ability (though it’s over a dozen years before he would speak it).

One response to “Dark Horse Presents (1986) #52”

  1. Vernon Wiley Avatar

    Bacchus wasn’t always a story that would be uplifting. Several times as I remember it settled upon man’s shortcomings and the effects afterwards. Bacchus himself, being the god of wine & merriment, often tilted the tables towards letting humans be overun by their basic tendencies toward irresponsibilty and I fondly enjoyed them, although many times they didn’t have happy endings, at least for the humans. Bacchus himself, well he seems to be one of the few gods that survived into the modern era. Mostly because humans like his presence and the influence he has over them. Great stuff.

    Sin City, on the other hand , had sunk into the pits by the time the fourth graphic novel hit, in my opinion. By this time, Miller is completely going by the numbers, and his utter lazy attitude towards his craft and contempt for his audience is in the forefront. Not sure when he lost track of his critical sensibilities, but his decline from his peak abilities is a sad decline indeed, worthy of a story in Bacchus…

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