The Stop Button

Ghosted 3 (September 2013)

283152 20130911114150 largeGhosted is back, which is nice, they only had a bad second issue. This one is a lot better.

There’s a great back and forth between the George Clooney guy (I’m not going to remember names, so I’ll just call him the George Clooney guy because he’s the lead–or should I call him Danny Ocean?) and the guy who sets up the project. There’s some very nice hints at the back story while the rest of the team steals some magical totem.

Then the issue moves to the haunted house and there are actual ghosts. Williamson figures out a very good reveal or two for introducing the ghosts. He and Sudžuka handle it very well.

Not to mention there’s actually a great cliffhanger. Very good issue, very good–even though Williamson has some problems keeping track of all the characters at the end.

Very glad the series’s working again.


Writer, Joshua Williamson; artist, Goran Sudžuka; colorist, Miroslav Mrva; letterer, Rus Wooton; editor, Sean Mackiewicz; publisher, Image Comics.

One response to “Ghosted 3 (September 2013)”

  1. vernon wiley Avatar
    vernon wiley

    I had JUST read this yesterday! Totally in agreement here. While the second issue was running in place, this one made up for it. Williamson seems to be working with a stronger hand if he keeps things moving, rather than focusing on dull details. Also, gotta mention Sudzuka, who leaves most artists in comics standing at the gate with his effortless looking panels, convincingly depicting the outrageous.. Sweet stuff.

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