The Stop Button

Godzilla 4 (November 1977)

Wow, Dum Dum’s not just an unlikable jerk, he’s also a racist. And a complete idiot who ends up helping the evil Dr. Demonicus.

With good guys like these….

Tom Sutton guest pencils this issue; did Marvel decide to stop punishing their readers with Herb Trimpe? Sutton’s not very good on the monsters–there’s nothing interesting about two giant monsters fighting each other in an empty ocean, sorry–but he’s a lot better on the people.

As for the story? Well, Moench introduces tis Dr. Demonicus guy who steals oil from tankers, using his giant monsters to cause distraction. No one’s caught on to his plans yet–certainly not SHIELD, because Dum Dum runs the place and Dum Dum’s too busy bitching about blacks and social progress.

Demonicus wears a goofy costume and enslaves a bunch of Inuits. It’s kind of disturbing, really… especially since Moench doesn’t take it seriously.


Godzilla versus Batragon!; writer, Doug Moench; penciller, Tom Sutton; inker, Tony DeZuniga; colorist, Phil Rachelson; letterer, John Costanza; editor, Archie Goodwin; publisher, Marvel Comics.

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