The Stop Button

The Stolen Wings (2009, Gerard Lough)

A scene from THE STOLEN WINGS, directed by Gerard Lough.

Has any good ever come from digital video being used instead of film? The Stolen Wings suggests no.

Director of photography Greg Rouladh doesn’t know how to light for video, but he also doesn’t know how to light for angles. It’s also director Lough’s fault. He should’ve caught the five or six garish jump cuts.

It’s too bad because Wings has some nice moments. It’s a fairy tale, literally, with some Princess Bride bookends. Instead of Peter Falk, Natasha O’Brien’s reading a story. O’Brien does fine with the narration, but she really shines at the finish when she gets out some difficult dialogue and makes it feel natural.

The fairy tale part should be a lot better… again, it’s video. The effects feel more appropriate for a silent and Lough’s techniques match that tone. But it seems too artificial (the visible Christmas light bulbs don’t help).

Still, Wings isn’t bad.

1/3Not Recommended


Written and directed by Gerard Lough; director of photography, Greg Rouladh; edited by Rouladh; music by Cian Furlong; produced by Lough and Michael Parle.

Starring Natasha O’Brien (Baby Sitter), Sasha Philips (Little Girl), Michael Parle (Wizard) and Michela Parle (Fairy).


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