The Stop Button

Lay Over (2013, Jordan Hayes)

Noah Reid and Jordan Hayes star in LAY OVER, directed by Hayes.

A lot of Lay Over is obnoxious. Loud and obnoxious. It's a Before Sunrise knock-off with Jordan Hayes's Canadian traveller in L.A. for just one night and she meets nice accordion player Noah Reid, who shows her the town. So there are all these montage shots of L.A. set to loud and obnoxious music.

The short does have its strengths, however, whenever Reid shows Hayes things from his childhood. There–thanks to Reid's fantastic performance and Hayes (who also directs) slowing down for a minute and allowing the viewer presence with the characters–Lay Over gets good.

As a director, Hayes is fine. It's a short shot at night on DV; there's only so much she can do. There are occasionally pretentious shots and they're annoying, but it's fine. Max Topplin's photography leaves a lot to be desired.

Unfortunately, the end is predictable and insincere. It kills the short's accumulated good will.

1/3Not Recommended


Edited and directed by Jordan Hayes; written by Hayes and Noah Reid; director of photography, Max Topplin; produced by Hayes and Topplin.

Starring Jordan Hayes (Sam) and Noah Reid (Owen).


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