The Stop Button

Ninja Bachelor Party (1991, Bill Hicks, Kevin Booth and David Johndrow)

A scene from NINJA BACHELOR PARTY, directed by Bill Hicks, Kevin Booth, and David Johndrow.

Ninja Bachelor Party is the story of a listless young man with a cheating girlfriend and insensitive parents; he’s trying to deal with his Robitussin® addiction. And he wants to be a ninja.

So he goes to Korea to train.

There is no party. I suppose the protagonist, played by Kevin Booth, is a bachelor. The short is Bill Hicks and his friends goofing around with a VHS camcorder. I’m sure there are better examples of people who goof around with VHS camcorders, but Ninja Bachelor Party is Bill Hicks, which makes it interesting.

Well, maybe not interesting. But a curiosity.

It’s (intentionally) poorly dubbed, which is understandable for control purposes, but it doesn’t work. The plotting’s actually compelling. It doesn’t hurt Booth and Hicks are running around downtown Houston like idiots, which is funny.

At a half hour, the joke gets a little tired.

But it’s far from bad.

1/3Not Recommended


Written, directed and produced by Bill Hicks, Kevin Booth and David Johndrow.

Starring Kevin Booth (Clarence Mumford), Bill Hicks (Master / ?), David Johndrow (Mr. Doom), Lynne Rardon (Shotsi), Dorothy Booth (Mrs. Buzz Mumford) and George Booth (Buzz Mumford).


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